Alley Pond Environmental Center, a new LEED Silver educational facility located within Alley Pond Park, sits adjacent to both salt-marsh and freshwater wetlands. The Center hosts 50,000 visitors each year including students from Nassau County, Suffolk County, and the five boroughs of New York City. DLANDstudio collaborated with Leroy Street Studio on design of the overall campus plan with focus on the entry sequence, gardens, terraces, deck, and outdoor classrooms. Surrounding conditions and previous education center
The new facility is designed to recycle rain water, collect storm-water
runoff from the parking lot, and showcase native plant species in rain gardens.
Water management features and other green technology building elements will become
hands-on educational tools.
The design develops distinct zones that relate to the
entrance, classrooms, parking lot, and trail head connection to the larger
trail network within Alley Pond Park. These areas act as a series of
thresholds, transitioning from an urban to more natural environment.
project is part of the NYCDPR Design Excellence Program. Project completed with Leroy Street Studio.
Find out more about the Center at its website
Find out more about the Center at its website